
Basil Coconut Pudding Recipe

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A vegan, dairy-free, and gluten-free coconut pudding recipe made with basil-infused coconut milk and shredded coconut.



400 milliliters canned coconut milk (1 can)
1015 large fresh basil leaves with stems attached, plus more to garnish
100150 milliliters unsweetened boxed coconut milk, for topping up
200 grams granulated sugar (1 cup)
35 grams cornflour/cornstarch (1/4 cup)
1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
14 grams unsweetened shredded coconut (2 tablespoons), plus more to garnish


In a small saucepan, bring the canned coconut milk to a gentle simmer. Stir in the basil leaves and simmer for three minutes. Do not boil.

Saucepan with coconut milk, basil leaves, and spoon

Remove from heat, cover, and allow the basil leaves to steep in the coconut milk for 30 minutes.

Coconut milk and basil in a saucepan

Pass the coconut milk through a fine mesh strainer to remove the basil leaves. Discard the leaves.

Mesh sieve with basil and coconut milk

Mesh sieve with basil leaves

Re-weigh the infused milk. Top up with boxed coconut milk, plus more as needed to reach 475 milliliters. (This may vary slightly, depending on the type of strainer you’ve used, and how much liquid your basil absorbs.)

In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar, cornflour/cornstarch, and sea salt.

Whisk in a bowl of cornflour

Whisk in the coconut milk, and continue whisking until the sugar and cornstarch dissolve.

Saucepan with coconut milk and whisk

Cook mixture over medium heat, whisking frequently, until it comes to a low boil. Continue boiling, whisking continually, until thickened, about 3 minutes. Pudding will continue to thicken as it cools.

Hand whisking coconut milk pudding

Remove from heat. Stir in the vanilla extract, followed by the shredded coconut.

Saucepan with coconut milk pudding

Coconut milk pudding, coconut, and vanilla in a saucepan with a whisk

Allow pudding to cool for 5 minutes, then pour the cooked pudding into small serving bowls or ramekins.

Six dishes of coconut pudding

Cover each portion with clingfilm/plastic wrap, allowing it to touch the pudding to prevent a “skin” from forming.

Dishes of coconut pudding with plastic wrap

Transfer to the refrigerator and allow puddings to chill for at least two hours, or until ready to serve. Just prior to serving, garnish with coconut whipped cream, fresh basil leaves, or shredded coconut.

A bowl of coconut pudding with basil garnish


