Easy to Make Recipes

Toasted Coconut Oreo Truffles

Made with caramel coconut Oreos, cream cheese, and toasted coconut, these no bake Oreo truffles come together in just twenty minutes. These no bake Oreo balls are my favorite Oreo truffle recipe, offering an easy-to-make sweet treat for cookie swaps, picnics, and parties. They’re also a fun way to use up leftover Oreos!

Dish of three ingredient Oreo balls on a sheet of parchment with a striped towel and dish of cookies

What Do I Need To Make These Three Ingredient Truffles?

These Oreo truffles really do require just three ingredients! To make this recipe, you will need:

Caramel Coconut Oreos

About18 cookies total. (And no need to remove the cream—just toss the whole cookies straight into the food processor.) If you can’t find caramel coconut Oreos, the standard vanilla cream-filled kind will work, too.

If using regular Oreos, I suggest adding 1/2 – 1 teaspoon of coconut extract. LorAnn Oils Coconut Flavor is my go-to.

Cream Cheese

For this recipe, opt for full-fat cream cheese, not spreadable cream cheese or soft cheese, which will make the truffles too soft. You’ll need 100 grams, or about 3 1/2 ounces, of cream cheese.


Select unsweetened shredded coconut, from a brand such as Let’s Do Organic or Bob’s Red Mill. Don’t use sweetened or dessicated coconut for this recipe, or your truffles will taste overwhelmingly sweet. And flaked coconut won’t work well because the pieces are too large.

This recipe calls for 60 grams (3/4 cup) of shredded coconut. You’ll need to divide it into two portions—about 20 grams (1/4 cup) goes directly into the Oreo mixture, while you’ll toast the rest for rolling the truffles.

Dish of Oreo truffles, surrounded by cookies, truffles, and dish of toasted coconut

Toasted coconut Oreo truffles in a dish

Tools and Equipment for Making Oreo Truffles

While you’ll only need three ingredients to make these Oreo cream cheese balls, you will also want to make sure you have a few special tools on hand.

For starters, a food processor is an absolute must for this recipe. Other methods (blender, crushing the cookies with a mallet) simply don’t yield the “fine breadcrumb” texture required to make the truffle filling, especially since this recipe utilizes whole cookies, rather than removing the cream. If you don’t already own a food processor, an inexpensive one makes a great addition to your kitchen lineup.

You’ll also need a cookie scoop or melon baller to scoop and roll the truffle mixture. Select a smaller scoop, not a full-size cookie or ice cream scoop. Ideally, you’re aiming for 1 – 1 1/2-inch truffles (I used the larger side of a melon baller, and my Oreo balls were about 1 1/4 inches).  Because they’re rich and sweet, it’s best not to make these truffles too big.

Oreo ball in a dish of coconut

A dish of coconut and a truffle ball with a bite missing

Toasting the Coconut

When toasting the coconut, do not walk away from the oven. It does not take long to toast, and will burn very easily! You’ll also find it helpful use a spatula to toss the coconut as it toasts, to make sure all pieces brown evenly.

For a shortcut, you can purchase and use pre-toasted shredded coconut.

Looking down at a dish of Oreo truffles rolled in toasted coconut

Make-Ahead and Storage Suggestions

This Oreo truffle recipe includes multiple chilling steps. You’ll first chill the mixture in the bowl, then again after rolling it into balls, once more after rolling each truffle in toasted coconut. For a make-ahead option, you can stop at any of these three points and chill until ready to finish, or until ready to serve.

Finished truffles will keep for up to one week when stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. I suggest arranging Oreo truffles in a single layer, or layering between sheets of parchment or wax paper, to prevent them from sticking together. If the balls do become a bit misshapen, simply use your hands to re-roll before plating and serving.

Oreo cookie balls, cookies, and a dish of coconut

Dish of toasted coconut with an Oreo ball, surrounded by cookies and truffles

Other truffle recipes you might enjoy:

Candy Cane Truffles
Red Wine Truffles
Raspberry Truffles

And if you do make these, or any of my recipes, don’t forget to tag me @bastecutfold or use the hashtag #bastecutfold on Instagram. I always love to see what you’re making!

Oreo truffle with a bite missing, on top of a stack of truffles in a white dish

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Toasted Coconut Oreo Truffles

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  • Author: becky
  • Total Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
  • Yield: 15 1 1/4-inch truffles 1x


Made with caramel coconut Oreos, cream cheese, and toasted coconut, these no bake Oreo truffles come together in just 20 minutes.



255 grams Caramel Coconut Oreos (18 cookies)
100 grams full-fat cream cheese (3 1/2 ounces)
60 grams unsweetened shredded coconut (3/4 cup), divided


Line a plate or small tray with parchment or a silicone mat. Set aside.

Add the Oreos to the bowl of a food processor. Process until the cookies resemble breadcrumbs.

Oreo cookies in a food processor

Oreo crumbs in a food processor

Add the cream cheese and process until well combined.

Oreo crumbs and cream cheese in a food processor

Truffle mixture in food processor bowl

Add 20 grams (1/4 cup) of the shredded coconut, and process until well combined.

Truffle mixture and coconut in food processor

Truffle mixture in food processor

Transfer mixture to a bowl. Place in the refrigerator to chill, at least 1 hour.

Bowl of Oreo truffle mixture

Meanwhile, spread the remaining 1/2 cup coconut on a small tray. Turn the oven to broil and toast the coconut, tossing periodically with a spatula, until nicely brown.

Tray of coconut

Toasted coconut on a tray

A small glass dish of toasted coconut

With a melon baller or small cookie scoop, portion the chilled Oreo filling into 15 portions.

A melon baller, bowl of truffle mixture, and tray with scoops of truffle mixture

Scoops of Oreo truffle mixture on tray

Use your hands to roll each portion into a ball. Place balls on prepared tray and return to the refrigerator to chill for 30 minutes.

Oreo balls on tray

Once chilled, use your hands to roll the Oreo balls in the toasted coconut.

Rolling Oreo balls in a small dish of toasted coconut

Toasted coconut Oreo truffles

Chill until firm. Serve chilled.

Store leftover truffles in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week.



When toasting the coconut, do not walk away from the oven. It does not take long to toast, and will burn very easily!

  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Chilling Time: 90 minutes
  • Category: Easy to Make Recipes
  • Method: No Bake
  • Cuisine: Desserts

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