Recent samples of Rebecca Frey’s food styling and photography work. Click to view full-sze images. For additional examples, please feel free to visit Rebecca’s pastry portfolio. To view Rebecca’s portfolio of nature, architecture, travel, and …

Macaron Mania!
My summer of macaron making! This summer I set a goal for myself: Do something every day to improve my baking skills. I defined “something” as any number of things. Taking a class, watching a …

Exploring the Art of Chocolatemaking
I’ve always loved chocolatemaking. In August, I enrolled in the Professional Chocolatier Program offered by Ecole Chocolat. This intensive three-month certificate course is designed for aspiring chocolatiers, and is ideal for anyone with an interest …
Welcome to my brand new blog!
Hey there! I’m Becky. Welcome to my brand new blog. I grew up in Central Pennsylvania, home of delicious Amish cooking. (Whoopie pies! Shoo fly pie! Pot pie! Basically…a lot of pie.) Central PA is also …