Savory Side Dishes

Potato Wedges Recipe with Sriracha Mayo

Made with baking potatoes, tossed in oil and spices and slow roasted in the oven, this potato wedges recipe makes a great side dish or cheeky late-night snack. Best served alongside my homemade sriracha mayo for dipping!

Spicy potato wedges on a plate with a bowl of sriracha mayonnaise

What’s Great About This Roasted Potato Wedges Recipe?

These spicy potato wedges feature fresh potatoes, hand-cut into wedges, coated in oil and spices, and roasted in the oven until crispy and deeply golden brown. In addition to making a tasty accompaniment to hamburgers and hot dogs, you’ll love these potato wedges for breakfast, brunch, snack time, and entertaining, too.

This recipe requires just a handful of affordable and readily accessible ingredients, including olive oil, garlic powder, sea salt, and paprika. (As a bonus, you probably already have all or most of these items in the pantry!) You’ll need about an hour from start to finish. Oh, and a few extra minutes if you want to whip up a bowl of sriracha mayo, too.

These roasted potato wedges aren’t difficult to make. The hardest part? Waiting patiently while the potatoes roast!

Roasted potato wedges on a plate with a dish of sriracha mayo

Serving Suggestions for Roasted Potato Wedges

These roasted potato wedges make a fantastic addition to picnics or backyard barbecues, offering a satisfying alternative to baked potatoes or French fries. Try serving bowls of roasted potato wedges alongside hamburgers and hot dogs, or pairing with an assortment of dipping sauces for a crowd-pleasing appetizer.

As a side dish for weeknight family meals, try pairing homemade potato wedges with chicken, salmon, fish cakes, meatloaf, or even a entrée-sized salad. These roasted potatoes also work nicely on a brunch menu—serve them in place of hash browns, alongside scrambled eggs, omelettes, and other brunchtime staples. And don’t forget to save the leftovers for a cheeky late-night snack, lazy dinner, or savory hangover breakfast!

If cooking for a crowd, I think these potato wedges look especially nice in a large ceramic serving bowl, garnished with a generous sprinkling of chopped parsley or chives.

In addition to sriracha mayo, try serving potato wedges with dipping options such as ketchup, ranch dressing, blue cheese dressing, barbecue sauce, mayonnaise, hot honey, honey mustard, or straight-up sriracha. Or for a healthier option, try dunking your wedges in healthy yogurt dip or sriracha veggie dip with Greek yogurt. You can also enjoy them plain.

Roasted potatoes with cheese and herbs

A dish of sriracha mayo surrounded by potato wedges

Tips and Tricks For Making This Potato Wedges Recipe

These spicy potato wedges aren’t difficult to master, but a few easy tips will take this recipe from so-so to spectacular. A few things to keep in mind:

  • Stay sharp – A sharp, good-quality chef’s knife makes slicing the potatoes a breeze.
  • Be patient – These will take at least 45 minutes to fully roast, and potentially up to an hour depending on your oven and how thickly you’ve sliced the potatoes. Don’t undercook the potatoes. They should look crispy and deeply golden, with a few brown spots and even some black bits around the edges.
  • Flip it – While baking, periodically toss the potato wedges with a metal spatula to ensure that they’re equally crispy and golden brown on both sides.
  • Get your hands dirty – Use your hands to mix the sliced potatoes with the olive oil and spices, and really take time to rub the coating over all of the potatoes. (This is hard to do with a spoon! ) To avoid mess, you can wear a pair of disposable rubber gloves for this step.
  • Choose the right tray – Use a parchment-lined, half sheet rimmed baking tray for this recipe. It’s important not to crowd the potatoes. They need some breathing room in order to brown and crisp up properly. Unfortunately, smaller trays just aren’t quite roomy enough.

A plate of roasted potato wedges

Making and Using Sriracha Mayo

Comprised of mayonnaise, sriracha (a popular bottled hot sauce made from chili peppers, vinegar, garlic, salt, and sugar), and lemon juice, this easy-to-make condiment adds a spicy, creamy kick to roasted potato wedges, but it’s great alongside other dishes, too. You can:

  • Slather it on sandwiches, wraps, and burgers
  • Dunk onion rings, chicken nuggets, veggie nuggets, halloumi fries, or mozzarella sticks
  • Drizzle it on sushi rolls (it’s basically the same sauce you’ll find on a spicy California roll)
  • Dress a rice bowl, poke bowl, or falafel salad
  • Spice up breakfast omelettes and scrambled eggs
  • Dip sliced raw vegetables, pretzels, or potato chips for snacking

Dish of homemade sriracha mayo surrounded by potato wedges

Make-Ahead and Storage Suggestions

Although I wouldn’t consider this a “make-ahead” recipe per se, these roasted potato wedges do make tasty leftovers. (I like to eat the leftovers for breakfast the next morning, accompanied by scrambled eggs and a generous drizzle of ketchup!)

You can store extra potato wedges in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. Eat cold, or reheat on a parchment lined tray in a 350° F / 176° C oven until crispy and warmed through.

The sriracha mayo can also be refrigerated for up to three days. Use it to dip leftover potato wedges, or try it with some of the other pairings suggested above.

Oven roasted potatoes on a sheet of parchment

Spicy oven roasted potatoes made from this roasted potatoes recipe

Other savory recipes you might enjoy:

Chickpea Salad
Cheese Pizza Rolls
Baked Veggie Nuggets
Vegetarian Sausage Rolls

And if you do make these, or any of my recipes, don’t forget to tag me @bastecutfold or use the hashtag #bastecutfold on Instagram. I always love to see what you’re making!

A plate of oven roasted potatoes with sriracha dipping sauce

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Potato Wedges with Sriracha Mayo

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  • Author: becky
  • Total Time: 1 hour
  • Yield: 2-4 servings 1x


A recipe for spicy roasted potato wedges. Best served alongside my homemade sriracha mayo!



Potato Wedges:

1 kilogram baking potatoes (2 pounds, or about 4 large potatoes)
38 milliliters olive oil (3 tablespoons)
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

Chopped parsley or grated Parmesan cheese, to garnish

Sriracha Mayo:

125 grams mayonnaise (1/2 cup)
45 grams sriracha (3 tablespoons)
15 milliliiters fresh lemon juice (1 tablespoon)
Salt and pepper, to taste


Potato Wedges:

Preheat oven to 220° C / 425° F. Line a half sheet rimmed baking tray with parchment.

With a sharp chef’s knife, cut each potato lengthwise into 8 wedges.

Potato wedges and a chef's knife on a cutting board

Potato wedges on a cutting board with a knife

Add potato wedges to a large bowl.

A metal bowl of potato wedges

Add the olive oil, garlic powder, smoked paprika, sea salt, and black pepper.

Potato wedges in a bowl with spices

Use your hands to combine, making sure all of the potato wedges are evenly coated in the olive oil and spices.

A bowl of potato wedges coated in spices and oil

Transfer to prepared tray. Do not allow the potato wedges do not overlap.

Potato wedges covered in oil and spices, on a tray

Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes.

Potato wedges on a tray with a spatula

Use a spatula to toss, then bake for another 20 minutes.

Roasted potato wedges on a tray

Toss again, and bake for an additional 5-10 minutes, or until potato wedges are brown and crispy. Serve hot, accompanied by sriracha mayo.

Roasted potato wedges and a spatula

Potato wedges on a sheet of parchment

Garnish with chopped parsley or grated Parmesan. Serve hot, accompanied by sriracha mayo.

Roasted potato wedges garnished with cheese and herbs

Sriracha Mayo:

Add all ingredients to a small bowl.

Sriracha mayo ingredients in a white bowl

Whisk to combine.

A bowl of sriracha mayonnaise

Store leftover sriracha mayo in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days.


  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 50 minutes
  • Category: Savory
  • Method: Oven

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