Weeks five through seven: Two kinds of entremet, gumpaste flowers, and plated desserts! I haven’t had much time for blogging lately, so it’s time to play catch-up! Here are a few of the things we’ve …

costumes to confections
costumes to confections
Weeks five through seven: Two kinds of entremet, gumpaste flowers, and plated desserts! I haven’t had much time for blogging lately, so it’s time to play catch-up! Here are a few of the things we’ve …
This week, we had demos and practicals for the first two of our four exam dishes: the opéra cake and the fraisier cake. It’s hard to believe that we’ve already arrived at week four and …
Week Two: Viennoiserie During the second week of Intermediate Pâtisserie, we focused on Viennoiserie. Viennoiserie serves as the “bridge” between pâtisserie and boulangerie. These are pastries which are generally made with an enriched dough. Enriched …
Intermediate Pâtisserie, Week 1: Galette, Pithivier, Mille Feuille! It’s hard to believe, but summer has come and gone, and the fall term at LCB is in full swing. And unlike Basic Pâtisserie, which started out …
The first half of our Basic Pâtisserie final was a written (theory) exam, which covered everything we learned over the course of the term including recipes, methods, ingredients, health and safety, French terminology, etc. I …
Week 9: Petit fours, chestnut cake, ice cream, and macarons! After a long bank holiday weekend, week nine of Basic Pâtisserie began with an 8 am practical, where we made the chocolate chestnut cake we’d …