Appetizers Dips and Spreads Recipes

Sriracha Veggie Dip with Greek Yogurt

An easy recipe for sriracha veggie dip with Greek yogurt.  Made with honey, spices, and lime, this spicy yogurt dip also makes a great dipping sauce for chips, pretzels, potato wedges, nuggets, fries, and more!

Hand holding a chip dipped in homemade sriracha veggie dip

Why Make This Sriracha Veggie Dip with Greek Yogurt?

  • Minimal ingredients – This Greek yogurt dip contains just six ingredients, plus an optional cilantro garnish. Plus, most of the ingredients are things you already have in the fridge or pantry, so no need for a trip to the grocery store.
  • Fast and easy to prepare – This sriracha dip comes together with just 5 minutes of prep time, making it perfect for days when need to whip up a healthy snack, appetizer, or light lunch in a matter of minutes.
  • A solid make-ahead option – While you can enjoy this dip immediately, I think it actually tastes better after a few hours in the fridge. When refrigerated, it will keep well for about three days (if it lasts that long!)
  • A healthier choice – Prepared with Greek yogurt, this recipe offers a healthy alternative to more calorie-dense dips made with mayonnaise, cream cheese, or sour cream.
  • Use up those leftovers – If you’re anything like me, you pretty much always have a half-empty container of Greek yogurt somewhere in the fridge. Next time you find yourself with leftover yogurt, try turning it into sriracha dip!

A bowl of sriracha veggie dip with greek yogurt, on a plate surrounded by fresh sliced vegetables

Ingredients for Making Greek Yogurt Sriracha Sauce

Ingredients for making spicy yogurt dip
Ingredients for making sriracha veggie dip

To prepare this sriracha veggie dip with Greek yogurt, gather the following ingredients:

  • Greek yogurt – Obviously! I like full-fat Greek yogurt, but low-fat will also work. You can also make this recipe with plain yogurt, but your dip will not be quite as thick. The one thing you do not want to use is flavored or sweetened yogurt.
  • Sriracha – Made with chili peppers, vinegar, garlic, sugar, and salt, I always have a bottle of this versatile hot sauce on hand. Here in the UK, most supermarkets stock Flying Goose; in the US it’s the Huy Fong brand, but you can use any brand of sriracha or similar chili sauce. I suggest starting with 20 grams (one tablespoon) of sriracha, but feel free to increase to 2-3 tablespoons for a stronger, spicier flavor.
  • Honey – A teaspoon of honey adds just the tiniest hit of sweetness to balance out the chili and lime. You can omit if you prefer a dip with less sugar, or increase it to two teaspoons for a sweeter dip.
  • Smoked paprika and onion powder – For depth of flavor, and an intense, smoky taste. I don’t recommend substituting regular paprika (it tastes significantly different) but it will work well enough in a pinch.
  • Lime juice – A squeeze of citrus really makes this yogurt dip sing. Use fresh lime juice, not reconstituted or bottled. I prefer lime, but fresh lemon juice makes a decent substitute.
  • Cilantro – You can use the cilantro (coriander, for my UK readers) as a garnish, stir it into the dip, or both. I LOVE cilantro, so I’ve used it both ways. But yes, I know not everyone feels the same way I do. (I receently listened to this interview with Ina Garten, and even she hates the stuff!) If you don’t like cilantro, opt for chopped chives instead.

Greek yogurt sriracha sauce in a bowl, surrounded by chips and raw vegetables

Ways to Enjoy This Spicy Yogurt Dip

You can serve and enjoy this sriracha dip in any number of ways. Some of my favorite accompaniments include:

  • Raw vegetables – Try sliced radishes, cucumbers, carrots, celery, bell peppers, or cherry tomatoes.
  • Chips – Enjoy this dip with potato chips/crisps (I like the ridged kind!), tortilla chips, pita chips, or lentil chips. Crackers and flatbreads are tasty, too.
  • Pretzels – I love dipping mini pretzels, or these sesame pretzel thins from M&S. I think this dip would also pair nicely with soft pretzels or pretzel nuggets, for a spicy alternative to mustard or cheese sauce.
  • Bar snacks and sides – Try dunking potato wedges, French fries, halloumi fries, or veggie nuggets. Think of this dipping sauce with sriracha as a slightly healthier version of sriracha mayo.
  • Burgers – This spicy sauce tastes great on a hamburger (or veggie burger), or drizzled on top of a falafel bowl.

A bowl of sriracha dip with chips and raw vegetables

Hand holding a chip dipped in greek yogurt dip

Serving Sriracha Greek Yogurt Dip

This sriracha dip offers a popular snack or appetizer option for guests of all ages. It’s even kid-friendly. (You’ll get a hint of a kick, but it isn’t overly spicy.) Serve this homemade dip at barbecues, picnics, cookouts, and family reunions, or when friends gather to watch sporting events. You can even set up a dipping bar, and serve this recipe alongside bowls of guacamole, salsa, queso, and my healthy yogurt dip.

For cookouts and picnics, spoon the sriracha dip into a serving bowl and surround it with colorful sliced raw vegetables like carrots, celery, radishes, peppers, cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes, or serve it alongside homemade veggie skewers. (Make sure you have bowls of potato chips, tortilla chips
, or pretzels available for dipping, too!) You can also fill squeeze bottles with dip for easy, mess-free serving—as mentioned above, this dip tastes great on burgers and fries.

For everyday snacking, try portioning your homemade dip into individual servings in small plastic containers. When paired with sliced raw vegetables, this dip makes a great choice for packed lunches, or mid-day snacking at home.

Bowl of sriracha dip on a plate surrounded by chips and raw vegetables

Make-Ahead and Storage Suggestions

This sriracha veggie dip will last for several days—I actually think it tastes better once refrigerated for a few hours, or even overnight, because chilling gives the flavors more time to develop. Feel free to make it the night before a party, or prep a big batch for several days of healthy snacking, and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator until you’re ready to dig in.

A bowl of homemade greek yogurt dip on a a plate, surrounded by chips and vegetables

Other recipes you might enjoy:

Healthy Yogurt Dip
Baked Veggie Nuggets

And if you do make these, or any of my recipes, don’t forget to tag me @bastecutfold or use the hashtag #bastecutfold on Instagram. I always love to see what you’re making!

Sriracha veggie dip, chips, and raw veg on a plate

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Sriracha Veggie Dip with Greek Yogurt

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  • Author: becky
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: About 250 grams (1 cup) dip 1x


An easy recipe for sriracha veggie dip with Greek yogurt, honey, spices, and lime.



250 grams plain Greek yogurt (1 cup)
20 grams sriracha (1 tablespoon)
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
Generous squeeze fresh lime juice
Chopped cilantro, to garnish

Potato chips, pretzels, sliced raw vegetables, or veggie nuggets, for dipping


In a small bowl, wisk together the Greek yogurt and sriracha.

A bowl with yogurt and sriracha

A bowl of sriracha dip with a whisk

Whisk in the honey, garlic powder, smoked paprika, and onion powder.

Adding garlic powder, honey, and smoked paprika to a bowl of Greek yogurt dip

A bowl of spicy Greek yogurt dip with a whisk

Add lime juice to taste.

Hand squeezing lime into a bowl of Greek yogurt dip

Sriracha dip in a metal bowl

Serve immediately, or chill for at least one hour or a deeper flavor.

Store leftover dip in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days.


  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Category: Appetizers
  • Method: No Cook

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